Logique et Analyse




  • Issues 225-... are available on the website of Peeters Publishers.
  • Issues 1-236 are available on the website of JSTOR.
  • Issues 1-236 are available in the archive on this website.


  • Marcoen Cabbolet, Relative consistency of Set Matrix Theory with ZF
  • Anna Karcewska, Two New Interpretations for Modality. An Emendation
  • Francesco Calemi, On the Genuine Identity Argument Against Disjunctive Universal
  • Alfredo Roque Freire, Irreducible features of set theories
  • Flash Sheridan, A Closer Look at the Russell Paradox
  • Athanassios Tzouvaras, A note on associative choice functions, orderings and typicality
  • José David García-Cruz, Lorenz Demey, Aristotelian Diagrams for the Ancient Discussion on Privative and Infinite Negation
  • Tom Schoonen, Similarity and the Necessity of Origin
  • Ka Fat Chow, Relational Syllogisms with Comparative Relations
  • Denis Vernant, Logique formelle et protologique de l'incompatibilité

Open Access

  • Green Open Access (open archiving): authors are permitted to deposit digital copies of the accepted versions of their manuscripts or postprints (namely the versions of the manuscript after peer review but without editorial typesetting) in institutional and subject repositories, e.g. PhilArchive or PhilSci Archive, which make the archival copies freely and permanently available to the public. There is no embargo period for the accepted versions.
  • Delayed Open Access (moving wall): authors are permitted to make the published versions of their manuscripts or versions of record (namely the versions of the manuscript after peer review and with editorial typesetting) freely available to the public, after an embargo period of 3 years. The journal makes the published versions of all the articles or the versions of record of all articles freely and permanently available online, after an embargo period of 5 years.
  • Gold Open Access (open publishing): the published version of the manuscript or the version of record is immediately after publication made freely and permanently available online, if an an Article Processing Charge (APC) is paid to the publisher. For more information please contact the publisher.

Open archive

The archive can be accessed here.